I hope you enjoy seeing this way of doing brows when you don't have much to work with!
I definitely love bold brows - they're not for everyone, but this is what I was into at the time.
My brow shape and technique has evolved over the past few months (and years!!) - which I am sure you will notice in my videos and Instagram posts.
The thing about eyebrows is - everyone's are different - so just practice, experiment and do whatever works for your face shape and hair colour - just don't go being a basic bitch hehe
Before you watch, here are some not-so-bold brow choices - enjoy!
This is one of my foundation routines - you know me - I get into a routine for a few months, but it also changes depending on the season/weather and my location.
Being in QLD the last several months, even though it was Winter, has definitely made me revert back to a powder-focused foundation because it's all about oil control for me!
Let me know what you think and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
This life update video is a little out of date - I mention how we're living in Queensland - that was the case when it was filmed 6 months ago, but now we're moving again!
I will update more about that later, but for now check out the video which focuses on a haul of The Balm makeup - an Irish brand made in the USA with cute vintage packaging and amazing formulas!
This brand is available at DJs which is cool!
I've been travelling back and forth a lot lately and somewhere along the line I've lost my beloved Mary Lou-Manizer!!!!
Maybe that means I should buy the Betty Lou..... :)
I have been so busy lately and neglected this blog - but never fear! I'm back and I'm going to post links to all the videos I've been posting since my last post. My focus has definitely been on YouTube and Instagram the last few months, so make sure to follow me!